
Being a Christian is far from being perfect. The reality is that- although true followers of faith have changed 360 degrees for Christ, there will be moments that we fail. Some of our failures would even be perceived as small to others- but to our own selves, we consider them as a big let down. This is due to natures that we battle with- the spiritual and the carnal- that wrestle in our hearts. As long as we live here on earth, we are still susceptible to follies. The only difference is the willpower of the individual to seek in driven humility to God in times of need.

Romans 3:22-24

New International Version (NIV)

22 This righteousness is given through faith in[a] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Everyone falls short of God’s perfection- and to aspire to live a life of complete perfection- is something that all of us has a desire to have. The wonderful thing to remember is that at the times that we mess up greatly, God who knows our hearts, our minds, and our thoughts, through every good and every aversion that takes a hold of us- He loves us thus and much more- unconditionally. When we make mistakes, our attitudes should humble us before God to acknowledge our wrong, but we should not stop our growth to spiritually evolving in God’s ways. A simple sincere request in prayer to ask for forgiveness would do and to do better next time.

Jude 1:2

New King James Version (NKJV):  Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.

-With faith and love in Christ

Cor et oculos Christi