After Suffering

Fill your mind with the renewal and the spirit of God.

Ask Him to cleanse and purge out of you any doubts and fears.

He will pour out and annoint you with His Spirit.

And direct you into the path destined for you to take.

He will transform you and bring comfort to your heart.

Because you know how you have suffered… For you have felt the pangs of the cross.

Rest assured you are in His hands now.

And nothing else matters.

Open your eyes again for you have been blinded for all of this time

From the suffering

For God has given you and restored unto you a heart, a mind, and eyes, ears, and a mouth to profess

His glory.

Take comfort in His plan for He knows the desires of your heart and knows the path for which you must take to get there.

For in this, surrender it all.

You have suffered.. now let the love of God pour out all over your bruised body

You are healed.


-Cor Et Oculos Christi