Following The Path of Life

To live in following God is a blessed sacrifice holding many beautiful promises as opposed to living a life straying from Him, opening ourselves to consequences like that of a slave of circumstance. Yet with the good gifts that He gives, also comes the work needed to continually strengthen our faith in Him. Work is important as to prove or show to God we are willing to do His Will, though it may be out of our perceived limitations of capability, after doing so there are rewards and blessings multiplied. The deepening and the growing of our faiths builds in love a holy character that we may be pleasing in His Sight and to humanity.

-May His Grace Abound To You Always and Faithfully

Cor Et Oculos Christi

His Infinite Mercy


Photograph by Lea M. Rivera, Visual Artist


Excerpt from “Pathway to GOD”  on God’s Infinite Mercy

“So great is His infinite love and pity that He allows man insolently to deny Him, wrangle about Him, and cut the throats of his fellowmen. How can we measure the greatness of God, who is so forgiving, so divine? 

He allows us freedom and yet His compassion commands obedience to His Will. But if anyone of us disdains to bow to His Will, He says: “So be it.” “My sun will shine no less for thee, My clouds will rain no less for thee. I need not force thee to accept My Sway.” Of such a God let the ignorant dispute the existence. I am one of the millions of wise men who believe in Him and am never tired of bowing to Him and singing His glory. 

God is the hardest task-master, I have known on earth. He tries you through and through. And when you find your faith is failing, or your body is failing you, and you are sinking, He comes to your assistance somehow or other and proves to you that you must not lose your faith and that He is always at your beck and call, but on His terms. So I have found. I cannot recall a single instance when at the eleventh hour, He has forsaken me. “

-M.K. Gandhi