When Trials Come

When trials and hardships become obstacles in your path to God

When you feel the pangs of your limitations

When your strength is compromised

When your willpower to live slowly fades

When your heart condemns you

When you are blinded by your despair

When you are in the moment of frustration

When you do not want to live anymore

Take a deep breath

Then pray to pour out all the angst in your heart to God

Don’t engage to have temptations become actions

Just simply confess to God

You can’t- no matter how you’ve tried

And know that He can and is greater than what is in your heart

And entrust in Him and allow yourself to begin to love God even more

Our God is not necessarily looking into our responses to His Love

But He, rather, wants to reveal His Love to us

That in this world that suffers, we are made whole in Love

-Cor Et Oculos Christi

The Parable of A Boy and His Pearls

There once was a boy who lived near the ocean,  where his father made a living diving down the depths of the sea to gather pearls. It was a difficult task to find these rare treasures, more specifically, the salt water pearls which are large in shape and lustrous. There  are many obstacles one faces in searching for these particular pearls. Sometimes the father would harvest large clams, only to open them and see that there would be nothing inside. Other times, divers would face dangers like sharks or harmful creatures to discourage the search. The boy’s father was the best in the land for diving pearls. He knew every crack and crevice, underwater land forms that one can find beautiful salt water pearls. The boy of course grew up knowing about the pearls and when it came time for his father to teach him how to dive and search for them, the boy refused. A necklace full of salt water pearls had numerous value estimated to the thousands. Even though the boy knew how much riches the pearls bring, he knew that his father was so good at finding them and that he kept a stock at home. The value of his father’s stocks was enough for the boy later in life. However, the father told the boy not to think of things that way as it is important to keep the search alive for pearls. The boy didn’t listen and wanted to be involved with his friends who were using their money to get earthly treasures. He was influenced to exchange  some pearls at a time for money to show off to his friends. It got to the point of which the boy was too money minded to see the value of his father’s hard work. His father was disheartened. Even though he did his best to convince his son to learn of the ways of the pearl diver, he was unsuccessful. His father was truly the best, but most importantly, he wanted to teach his son his ways of finding the best and also marvel at the wonders of the ocean to further appreciate the value of his pearls.

Years passed and the boy grew lost in his father’s pearls in exchange for material riches. The dad grew old and could not support diving with his age. While his father was still around, there was always a stock to sustain both of them. Therefore, the son continued the habit of thought that the pearls were enough to sustain him later in life since his father harvested many.

The day came when his father died. The boy, though he was now a man, was still like a boy because of his demeanor for work. The son married while his father was still alive, and now that he was gone, it was up to him to pursue working. He mourned for his father, but what was worse was that his dad did not have any more pearls to support his son.The son spent it all on lavish things. With the money that he had left, he tried his best to hire people to get pearls for him, but he was unsuccessful. With the amount of debt, the son lost all of the possessions, leaving he, his wife, and his future children with nothing.

Ten years had passed since his father’s death. One day, he decided to visit an old place where his father  liked to rest- it was his most favorite. It has been a long time and the son had suffered greatly so. He mourned for his father and regretted the many years of not learning the ways of pearl diving. Upon remembering his dad, the son came across a letter tucked for him. He opened the letter in curiosity. It read, “My son. I am very sorry if you were troubled by my absence. I guess that it will be many years that will pass before you can read this letter as I know, you wouldn’t come to visit this place because of me. You probably have struggled even more because all the pearls that I had in stock were used because of your habit to spend. You know that your actions got to an alarming point, of which it was out of my hands, though I have warned you many times to be mindful of what we have. I could not teach you as a child, but now I know that you are a man who needs a future. By now you have kids, and now, you understand that life becomes a sacrifice- that you no longer live for yourself, but for others.

Because I love you deeply, I waited for you to come to me in order to learn how to dive for pearls. It was my hope that while I was still with you physically, you would want to learn. Though you have rejected me, my love for you runs deep. I did something for you. For the rest of my last days here on earth, I wrote you a book that you will find under the floors of your bed. It shows you how you can dive down and locate the most beautiful ocean pearls in the world. Please study it as this can help you now with your family. I also took some of the pearls and locked them in a treasure box intact with their clams. This is a process called culturing, of which we can grow the pearls even more in size. By the time you find it, I am sure that they will be so big and will be worth of value for you and your family. I included directions to find them, but it will be hard. You must be careful. I do this to let you know how much I love you and how much I care for you. I want you to learn the value of the things of this life that you may have a greater appreciation in living. Its now up to you whether or not you want to pursue it this time. I am glad that though we didn’t dive for pearls together, you are a good swimmer and diver. I can be at least satisfied with this beginning. Realize my love for you, that even when I am not there with you, in the ways that I can, I’ll help you out. I love you and I miss you my son. Always, Your Father. ”

The son cried with tears of joy and was greatly touched by his father’s love. He found the book and saw how detailed it was in finding the pearls. Since his father taught him well to swim and dive, he was given hope again to find these treasures with a new will to be like his father- the best pearl diver in all the land.

Matthew 13:45-46

New International Version (NIV)

45 “Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

The parable explains that the kingdom of heaven is like the treasured pearls in the story. God who is our Father longs for us to walk in His Ways and live in walking with him. We are guilty at times to reject God due to distractions in life that keep us away from knowing His truth. He longs to give us gifts- blessings from heaven, and with the pearl that is gifted to each and every one of us, our “pearl” can grow through a process of culturing. This is symbolic of how we would obtain rewards in heaven of our faith – in God’s kingdom- and deeds here on earth. But God who never gives up on us, loves us so much that He made a way for us to live a life here on earth despite the hardships. This is the promise of the Bible as it is God’s word and just like in the parable, the father wrote a book on a guide to his son for the pearls. It is on our part to read it and take on faith to reach and set our minds on the things above rather than storing our treasures here on earth.

Jude 1:2

New King James Version (NKJV):  Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.

-With faith and love in Christ

Cor et oculos Christi


Being a Christian is far from being perfect. The reality is that- although true followers of faith have changed 360 degrees for Christ, there will be moments that we fail. Some of our failures would even be perceived as small to others- but to our own selves, we consider them as a big let down. This is due to natures that we battle with- the spiritual and the carnal- that wrestle in our hearts. As long as we live here on earth, we are still susceptible to follies. The only difference is the willpower of the individual to seek in driven humility to God in times of need.

Romans 3:22-24

New International Version (NIV)

22 This righteousness is given through faith in[a] Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Everyone falls short of God’s perfection- and to aspire to live a life of complete perfection- is something that all of us has a desire to have. The wonderful thing to remember is that at the times that we mess up greatly, God who knows our hearts, our minds, and our thoughts, through every good and every aversion that takes a hold of us- He loves us thus and much more- unconditionally. When we make mistakes, our attitudes should humble us before God to acknowledge our wrong, but we should not stop our growth to spiritually evolving in God’s ways. A simple sincere request in prayer to ask for forgiveness would do and to do better next time.

Jude 1:2

New King James Version (NKJV):  Mercy, peace, and love be multiplied to you.

-With faith and love in Christ

Cor et oculos Christi